Thursday, August 17, 2006


Did you hear the big "hurrah" this morning about 5am? That was me! Celebrating that my temp had gone up nice and high, confirming ovulation yesterday. So if we don't get pregnant this cycle it won't be for lack of timing because we got in lots of practice sessions. So we'll see. I'll start testing at 10dpo as usual which will be next Saturday. Nor sure what I'll do for 10 whole days without a stick to pee on!


Summer said...

Good luck, K. I hope the days pass quickly for you and you get some good news at the end of it.

lorem ipsum said...

Congrats. Nice to know that some things in life still work, eh? Now try to relax for the ten days - you've done your part, now let your body do its job. :-)

Dr. Grumbles said...

Good luck!

Lisa P. said...

Congrats! Here's to positive endings...

Trista said...