Thursday, September 07, 2006

Last Beta

I'm assuming this will be the last beta for a while (hopefully!) since I'm now at 8602; definitely over 1000! So, if you're interested:

* At 22 DPO, the average HCG level is 1287 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 185-3279 mIU/ml.

Maybe I ovulated the day before and my temp just didn't go up that morning. So

* At 23 DPO, the average HCG level is 2034 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 506-4660 mIU/ml.

Still high. I'm hoping this will get me through the next week! I'm still not having any symptoms really. No nausea. My boobs hurt off and on but not a lot. I wonder how high my hormones have to be before they start causing problems?! Other than cramping, I mean!!


lorem ipsum said...

You are extraordinary!

Lisa P. said...

hooray for high betas!